Refer a Marine

If a Marine cannot remain with their parent unit a request for assignment to a Wounded Warrior Regiment element can be initiated by the parent command, medical officer, Wounded Warrior Regiment detachment Officer-in-Charge, or the Wounded Warrior Regiment operations section. Wounded Warrior Regiment Order 6300.1 - Administrative Procedures for Acceptance of Wounded, Ill, Injured or Hospitalized Personnel to the Wounded Warrior Regiment provide guidance on when and how to refer a Marine to the WWR.

Below are the procedures to assist in providing wounded, ill, and/or injured personnel in transitioning to the Regiment:

If you have additional questions about the referral processes please contact the Sergeant Merlin German Wounded Warrior Call Center at 1-877-487-6299.

  1. Complete the Unit Command Endorsement
  2. Complete the Medical Questionnaire
  3. Send completed packages to Wounded Warrior Battalion East or Wounded Warrior Battalion West