Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the closest VA facility to my home?
Where do I get information on the new GI Bill and Vocational Rehabilitation?
What Is VA Disability Compensation?
How long does it take to get my VA disability rating?
How do I appeal my VA disability rating and is there a time in which I need to appeal a decision?
What VA benefits am I eligible for based on my VA disability rating?
Who Is Entitled to Special Combat Related Disability Compensation?
What is an FRC and do I qualify for this benefit?
Do not see your question listed here?

What is the closest VA facility to my home?

If you are looking for the location of and attendant information about any VA facility, please click on this link: At this site you can locate facility and key staff information for over 1500 VA facilities, including the VA Central Office, benefits offices, medical centers and community based clinics, and Vet Centers throughout the nation. The site has an interactive map and search feature which allows you to search by state or zip code.

For information on the Veterans Benefits Administration and a list of their Benefits Regional Offices, go to If you wish to send a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the address is:

  • Secretary of Veterans Affairs
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • 810 Vermont Ave NW
  • Washington, DC 20420

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