Fact Sheets      Wounded Warrior Fact Sheets The Wounded Warrior Regiment (WWR) seeks to provide timely and accurate information to assist Wounded, Ill, and Injured (WII) Marines and their families. An on-line resource library is provided to enable WII Marines and their families, Regimental staff, Commanders, and the media to quickly access reader and print friendly documents on Regimental programs and initiatives. The library includes an updated tri-fold brochure on the WWR and one-page fact sheets on various Regimental assets. For questions regarding the materials, contact the WWR Public Affairs Office at (703) 432-1856.

 Check back often as we will continue to add to the library.

     What Commanders Need To Know Wounded Warrior Regiment Talking Points Sgt Merlin German Wounded Warrior Call Center  Clinical Services Staff Traumatic Brain Injury Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Family Readiness Program FOCUS Resiliency Training Recovery Coordination Program Charitable Giving Office Wounded Warrior Benefits and Compensation Traumatic Service Members Group Life Insurance (TSGLI) Wounded Warrior Battalion Detachments Future Initiatives and Transformation Team (FITT) Invitational Travel Orders Permanent and Expanded Limited Duty Chaplain Services  Support for Reserve Personnel WWR Trifold Brochure Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program  Reconditioning Sports Programs