The Wounded Warrior Regiment's

Purple Heart Community Outreach Program

We are constantly working to improve services for our wounded Marines, Sailors, and their families here at the Regiment. The Purple Heart Community Outreach Program was developed as a way to provide news, information, and events to Purple Heart recipients and their families in the greater Washington, D.C. area, but we are now attempting to branch out to the rest of the country. Some of our events and activities include tickets to sporting events such as NASCAR, football and baseball; hunting trips, golfing opportunities, banquet/ dinners, etc. This is a great way for Purple Heart recipients and their families to remain active in the USMC Family and their community.

If you are an OIF/OEF Purple Heart recipient, or know of someone who is a recipient and would like to participate in this program, please complete the form below in order to be added to our mailing list. Once added, you will receive updates about new opportunities in your area.

Purple Heart
Name: Rank:
Purple Heart
Street Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Email Address: Home Phone:
Cell Phone: Work Phone:
Date you received the Purple Heart:

I'm Interested In: (Select all that apply)

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