Reserve Mobilization Opportunities

Wounded Warrior Battalion has Active Duty, Active Reserve, Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), and Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) billets.

IRR and IMA billets are filled using the procedures stated below:

  1. Complete and Sign an RQS. Click here for Sample (Fill the whole thing out; use a current e-mail address so we may send you an advanced copy of your orders)
  2. Send your RQS to: [email protected] (take note the e-mail address has an underscore) to inquire about billet availability. If something is available, we will contact you.
  3. Once contacted, perform the following steps:
    1. Scan and send the following documents to: [email protected] (take note the e-mail address has an underscore) and format the subject line like this example: “Sergeant John A. Doe / 0302”
      1. Completed and Signed RQS. Click here for Sample (Fill the whole thing out; use a current e-mail address so we may send you an advanced copy of your orders)
      2. A recent photo in PT gear. (Preferably USMC but civilian is acceptable)
      3. All fitreps during final year of Active Duty service or last (3) Fitreps if you are a reservist who did not serve on Active Duty. (Average Pro/Con marks will be pulled by WWbn-W) You can access Fitreps through Marine OnLine (MOL).
      4. Complete this 30 Day Waiver to shorten the time it takes for you to be mobilized.
      5. Complete this Financial Status Worksheet. Members must be in good-standing to be considered for mobilization. (Administrative lag can cause initial travel claims to be delayed.)
    2. Include the following information in the body of your e-mail:
      1. Acknowledgement that you agree to do a year on mobilization orders. (“I agree to mobilize for one year.”)
      2. Confirmation that you are in the IRR. You cannot be in the SMCR, AR, IMA, or Active Duty. If you are in the SMCR, contact your unit admin to drop you to the IRR. If you are an IMA, have your IMA detachment get MOBCOM to drop you to the IRR (“I confirm that I am in the IRR”)
      3. The date you are available for mobilization. (You may put “immediately.”)
      4. Confirmation that you do not have 16 years or more years of Active Duty. (“I confirm I do not have 16 or more years of Active Duty”). WWbn-W will not issue waivers for sanctuary.
      5. Write your Reserve End of Current Contract (RECC) date. (“My RECC is: 2011/12/12“) You must have at least one full year left on your RECC date from the time your mobilization orders begin.

      6. VA Disability Rating if applicable.
      7. Confirmation that you do not have a balance on your Government Credit Card. (I confirm that I do not have a balance on my Government Credit Card)

        ***If you do not have enough time on your RECC, you must either extend or reenlist. Contact the Reserve Affairs Division Career Management Team (CMT):

        Career Management Team (CMT)
        3280 Russell Road
        Quantico, VA 22134-5103
        Phone: (703) 784-9130/9131/9132
        Toll Free (877) 415-9275 Option 5
        DSN: 278-9130/9131/9132
        email address: [email protected]

        ***If you are in the IRR you will process the paperwork the CMT gives you through MOBCOM. Contact MOBCOM Customer Support at 1-800-255-5082 or visit:

  4. Per diem is authorized by MMFA therefore it is not guaranteed.
  5. If your nomination is approved, orders should be issued 30 – 60 days thereafter. WWbn-W will send you an advanced copy of your orders and let you know what your ETA is.
  6. 6. Once orders are issued, you will be directed to report to Reserve Support Unit Camp Tallega (AKA Deployment Processing Center) Camp Pendleton. After processing in through Camp Tallega, you will report to Wounded Warrior Battalion-West in Alphas. Coordinating instructions will be listed on your orders.

    Physical Address
    Wounded Warrior Battalion - West
    H-49 Santa Margarita Rd.
    Camp Pendelton, CA 92055 - Base Map

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