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Wounded Warrior Battalion - West Crest
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Wounded Warrior Detachment - NMCSD

The primary mission of Wounded Warrior Detachment Naval Medical Center San Diego (WWD-NMCSD) is to ensure the well-being of all Wounded, Injured, Ill (WII) Marines/FMF sailors residing at NMCSD and/or attached to WWD-NMCSD and shall include medical tracking and advocacy, admin/logistics and family support, and personal/professional development and mentorship in order to facilitate a return to full duty or successful civilian transition.

If you have any questions or need assistance, contact us at the following numbers or via email ([email protected]).

Staff Duty Cell: (619) 520-2187

OIC: (619) 532-6241

SNCOIC: (619) 532-6324

Medical Liaison: (619) 532-5010

Medevac Liaison: (619) 806-2069

Our address is:
Wounded Warrior Detachment
Naval Medical Center San Diego
34425 Farenholt Ave.
San Diego, CA 92134

Proeliator Infinitus Semper Fidelis!